Equal parts talent, gumption, and charisma have contributed to the evolution of this extraordinary musician who lives a surprisingly ordinary life. A triple-threat amassing the talents necessary to write, sing, and perform, Zach Paxson is best identified by his relation to the everyday rather than a sometimes-idealized lifestyle centered on beer, short skirts, and tailgates. Sure, there are trucks, there’s a handful of “hick chicks” and there’s most certainly a couple of cold ones, but Zach’s legacy will ultimately be born from his life as a father, husband, trade carpenter, and storyteller.
It is from his amassed experiences in these roles that Zach has written a storehouse of music and lyrics that appeal to the majority of Americans – those who work, laugh, love, and sometimes struggle.
As embraced as he is inspired by the blue-collar community of his hometown of Lisbon, Ohio, Zach has drawn from real-life events and interactions in creating songs such as SIMPLE LIFE and OHIO, which is currently under consideration as the official country song of the Buckeye State and was originally released on his debut album, “Good Luck with That.”
It is with pride that we now present ISLAND, the follow up release from his sophomore album, Simple Life.

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