The Writer Cup golf tournament, which benefits the homeless outreach of Nashville Mission and Room In The Inn, takes place Wednesday (9/30) and Thursday (10/1) at Henry Horton State Park in Chapel Hill, TN. The normal entry fee has been waived, but participants will have to pay the green fees and any incidentals. Hole sponsorships are still available for $500.
Following the tournament is the Writer Cup’s companion event, the 8th Annual Music Row Coat Drive, which also benefits Nashville Mission and Room In The Inn. Donors are asked to bring old coats to their offices for pickup on Friday (10/2).
Please contact Norman De Vasure at 615-320-7300 or norman@normanproductions.com to schedule a pickup. To make a general donation, checks can be made to:
The Room In The Inn, Fed Tax ID # 62-125320
PO Box 121086
Nashville, TN 37212

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