President Obama is scheduled to sign a presidential memorandum today (6/28) that would seek to double the bandwidth available for wireless communications over the next decade. The plan involves the auction of over 500 megahertz of wireless spectrum now controlled by the federal government and private companies. Obama’s move falls in step with recommendations previously endorsed by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski.
Although clearly intended to relieve predicted future smartphone data congestion, the move also helps create jobs, spur economic growth and the creation of a public safety wireless network. Wireless and mobile technology are also sure to play a starring role in the growth of the music industry. More details on the plan are expected to be announced today.
Television broadcast companies however, may be cool to the concept since it appears they may be asked to “give up” some of their existing bandwidth. Cable companies that have invested in wired networks might also have something to fear from the threat of competition by beefed up wireless entities. Currently the wireless communications spectrum is about 547 megahertz. For the new plan to become law, Congress will have to approve various steps in the process.
Category: Featured, Organizations
About the Author
David M. Ross has been covering Nashville's music industry for over 25 years. dross@musicrow.comView Author Profile