“Barn On The Rooftop”
Cherry Heart
Ty Williams is releasing his single “Barn On the Rooftop” to country radio and the video, shot by Chad Denning, is currently gaining momentum at video outlets and dance clubs around the country. The song is a perfect introduction to the world of Ty Williams. It’s rowdy, loud and most of all… fun. And then there’s that horn section. Williams wrote or co-wrote 8 of the songs on his upcoming album.
See the Video: http://www.tywilliams.com/barnvideo
The Ty Williams story begins near our nation’s capital.
“Music was one of the few things in our life that remained a constant,” recalls Williams. “My grandma played the piano in the Farnham Baptist Church in Virginia, and my sister and I would sit in the choir loft next to her singing out of the hymnals. It was a small town…a farmer’s town… and country music wasn’t just a genre, it was way of life in my family and a soundtrack to our colorful lives.”
Later as a soldier in the Army National Guard, Ty earned the rank of sergeant during Operation Iraqi Freedom. It was then Ty seriously began pondering the uplifting power of music.
“For three minutes at a time I could take them somewhere else through one of my songs,” says Williams. “In the middle of a desert and this war, I found hope, I found reason. The music saved my life and I was born again.”
“My live show mixes all genres and feels like a party,” he continues. “I work hard as a songwriter to tell great stories. I admire Garth and Reba for building their careers one handshake, one fan, one song at a time.”

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