A recent NPD Group study suggests that Twitter users purchased 77% more digital music downloads than non-tweeting Web users.
“NPD’s latest music-acquisition study shows that there are segments of consumers who are more actively integrating Twitter as a key tool for communicating and networking,” said Russ Crupnick, entertainment industry analyst for NPD. “Based on their music-purchasing history, active Twitter users are simply worth more to record labels and music retailers than those who are not using Twitter.”
Twitter awareness increased during the first quarter 2009 to 52% among U.S. Internet-users from 22% in fourth quarter 2008. NPD’s consumer tracking shows that 33% of Twitter users reported purchasing a CD in the prior three months and 34% purchased a digital download. Twitter users actually purchased 77% more digital downloads than those not using the 140 character per tweet social network. Twitter users were also twice as likely than average Web users to visit MySpace Music and Pandora.
“Twitter has the potential to help foster the discovery of new music, and improve targeted marketing of music to groups of highly-involved and technologically savvy consumers, but it has to be done right,” Crupnick said. “There must be a careful balance struck between entertainment and direct conversation on one hand, and marketing on the other. Used properly Twitter has the power to entertain—and to motivate music fans to purchase more new albums, downloads, merchandise, and concert tickets.”

Category: Artist, Featured, Label, Sales/Marketing
About the Author
David M. Ross has been covering Nashville's music industry for over 25 years. dross@musicrow.comView Author Profile