Twestival Hits Nashville

twest_Twestival Nashville—a volunteer-run, charity fundraising event for people who know each other through the micro-blogging service Twitter—will take place tomorrow (9/10) at the Big Bang Dueling Piano Bar. Hosted by local Web site, the event will raise money for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee and its Great Nashville Duck Race.

The first global Twestival was held Feb. 12, 2009, and 202 cities participated. The 24-hour “‘tweet-up’ with a social conscience” inspired thousands and raised $250,000 for charity, with Twestival Nashville raising more than $2,200.

Twestival Local gives every city in the world the chance to hold their own Twestival benefiting a local charity of their choice. More info at @twestivalnash

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About the Author

Sarah Skates has worked in the music business for more than a decade and is a longtime contributor to MusicRow.

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