Happening Back Then: In honor of Edward Kennedy’s passing, MusicRow’s longtime photographic contributor Alan Mayor sent in this photo yesterday with a note: “I went back in my files and found this shot of Teddy Kennedy visiting the Hall of Fame in 1980 when he was running against Jimmy Carter. That’s Bill Ivey standing next to him under the Grandpa Jones plaque.”
Happening Back Then is a regular feature in the subscriber-only @MusicRow.
Taylor Swift plays “Maria” in MTV’s recreation of West Side Story, called “VMA Side Story.” Check out the clip below, also featuring pop singer Katy Perry, promoting the 2009 Video Music Awards. The show, where Swift is nominated, airs Sept. 13 at 8 PM/CT.
Operator Connect Me With A Record Deal: Christy McDonald, the former WB receptionist that also appeared a few years ago on Nashville Star has been signed to Curb Records. Her production team is yet to be announced, but it appears she will be co-produced by Curb A&R head Doug Johnson and former WB Nashville President Jim Ed Norman.
The 12th Annual Buds N Suds Canoe Float Presented By SOLID, benefiting the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, will take place tomorrow (8/29) at Duck River Canoe Rental in Chapel Hill, TN. It is $30 for an individual or $50 per couple. Registration available on-site with cash or check. There will be a T-shirt, goody bags, a Poker Run, Cornhole Tournament, lunch and more. For more details email Karen Light at hrtoflight@gmail.com or Jason Krupek at jason@bigtractormusic.com. www.myspace.com/budsnsudsevent
The major label debut from the Zac Brown Band has been certified Platinum. Read more here.
Loretta Lynn’s Ranch at Hurricane Mills will host a three-day songwriters and music festival Oct. 2-4. There will be live music, dancing, music business classes, food judging contests and much more. Songwriters of all styles and skill levels will share their songs on multiple outdoor stages. There will be numerous opportunities for anyone who wants to to perform, even an after hours Camp Fire Sing Ring. The family-friendly event will feature games like watermelon seed spitting, and arts and crafts booths. For information visit www.SongWritersFestival.com or call 615-424-1491.
Loretta Lynn’s Dude Ranch, about 65 miles west of Nashville, is a full-service RV park and campsite, with swimming pool, canoeing, paddle boats, nature trails, and the Coal Miners Daughter Museum.
The Queen of Country Music Kitty Wells will be celebrating her 90th birthday this Sunday at the Texas Troubadour Theater in Nashville. David McCormick, owner of the Ernest Tubb Record Shops, is organizing the two-hour tribute which will be broadcast over WSM radio and online at www.wsmonline.com from 2-4 PM CT, featuring special guests paying tribute to Wells. The celebration is an invitation only event.

About the Author
Sarah Skates has worked in the music business for more than a decade and is a longtime contributor to MusicRow.View Author Profile