Billy Currington performed his No. 1 hit "People Are Crazy" for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City. He rode the Herald Square Express float from Central Park to 34th Street where he performed in front of the NBC cameras.

O-Seven Artist Management along with their acts Bucky Covington, Sawyer Brown and Love And Theft shared some holiday cheer at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital with a surprise guitar pull. Next the crew visited the Ronald McDonald House for a birthday lunch for one of the children undergoing treatment at Vanderbilt. Pictured at the Ronald McDonald House Front- Christopher, Hobie Hubbard (Sawyer Brown), Bucky Covington. Back- Stephen Barker Liles (Love And Theft), Mark Miller (Sawyer Brown), Don Harris (O-Seven Artist Management), Brian Bandas (Love And Theft)