The son of Capricorn Records co-founder Phil Walden, Phil Walden Jr. (48) died Tuesday evening (6/7) in Atlanta in automobile accident in a parking garage. According to a Macon newspaper. Walden was leaving an athletic club when the accident took place.
An Atlanta policewoman told the publication, “It appeared the victim placed the vehicle in reverse, and then noticed his sunglasses had fallen outside of his truck. At some point the vehicle (rolled) back, possibly from his foot coming off the brake, pinning him against (a) pillar.” Walden Sr., passed away in 2006.
Phil Jr. was a Stratford Academy graduate who attended law school at Mercer University. He is survived by his wife and four children.
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David M. Ross has been covering Nashville's music industry for over 25 years. dross@musicrow.comView Author Profile