Apple has just released an iTunes update (8.2.1) and among the “issues and improvements” it addresses is the music program’s ability to sync music with the Palm Pre phone. One of the new Palm smartphone’s selling points was that ability to seamlessly move music between iTunes and the phone, but obviously, Apple preferred that only official Apple products be endowed with that ability. Palm responded saying, “Palm’s media sync works with iTunes 8.2. If Apple chooses to disable media sync in iTunes, it will be a direct blow to their users who will be deprived of a seamless synchronization experience. However, people will have options. They can stay with the iTunes version that works to sync their music on their Pre, they can transfer the music via USB, and there are other third-party applications we can consider.”
Polls for the Nominating Round of balloting for the 2009 CMA Awards will close at 5:00 PM CDT today (7/16). To vote you must be a current CMA member, and have your Member Number and PIN number ready. Click here.
The remaining CMA Awards ballot schedule is:
Aug. 11– Second Ballot sent
Aug. 24–Deadline for Second Ballot
Oct. 16–Final Ballot sent
Nov. 3–Deadline for Final Ballot
Several Nashville songwriters have cuts on the new Ruben Studdard album, Love Is. The R&B/American Idol star came to Music City to write for the project. With Bob DiPiero and Tom Shapiro, he wrote “Love Is My Rock,” and he teamed with Bill Luther and Barry Dean for “That’s Enough.”
The Refuge Center for Counseling, a local nonprofit that offers a variety of counseling services to those in need regardless of income level, along with corporate sponsor Wells Fargo/Wachovia Wealth Management will host a Songwriters Night at Boxwood Bistro tonight Thurs., July 16, from 6 to 10 p.m. Headlining the event will be Doug Johnson (“Three Wooden Crosses”), along with Rob Crosby, Chip Davis and Mark Steven Jones. Tickets are limited and can be purchased in advance for $75 at www.therefugecenter.org. Tickets are also available by contacting Virginia Fontanella at (615) 969-0064 or by e-mail at songwritersnight@aol.com. Any remaining tickets will be sold at the door.

Category: Artist, Featured, Sales/Marketing
About the Author
Sarah Skates has worked in the music business for more than a decade and is a longtime contributor to MusicRow.View Author Profile