The National Association for Music Education’s 2013 National Convention is currently being held until Oct. 30 in Nashville. Sunday night (Oct. 27), as part of the conference, several musicians gathered at the Grand Ole Opry to celebrate music teachers throughout the country. Performers included Casey James, Striking Matches, Mark Wilkinson and Sarah Darling.
“My 7th and 8th grade music teacher, Ms. Stephanie Rumple, was a great influence on me. It was her careful guidance and passion for the arts that started me on my musical journey,’ said Darling. “I feel like I owe her, and all of the music teachers out there who help preserve music in our schools a huge ‘thank-you’, for all they do. This concert will hopefully resonate with them as our way of showing thanks for their work that sometimes goes unrecognized!”
There are several other events scheduled during NAfME’s four-day convention, whose main theme focuses on ways in which “Music Education Orchestrates Success” in all aspects of life.
For more information, visit inserviceconference.nafme.org.

About the Author
Michael Smith is the Operations Manager at MusicRow Enterprises, where he works in the sales and editorial departments, and manages MusicRow's CountryBreakout Chart. He holds a BA from Vanderbilt University. Please send feedback to msmith@musicrow.comView Author Profile