The Music Business Association has opened its Call for Presentations for its 2018 Music Biz conference, to be held May 14-17 at the Omni Nashville Hotel.
All submitted topics should present a balanced perspective, with representatives from the commerce, content, and creative communities being given the chance to weigh in on the discussion. Suggested topics of interest can be seen below. Submissions will be considered based on overall quality, focus, and innovation; relevance to the issues facing the music and entertainment industry; sound research and theoretical basis (if applicable); practical implications to the Music Biz audience; and the experience and reputation of proposed speakers.
Those wishing to submit a speaker for consideration rather than a panel or presentation idea can email Nicole Hennessey at nicole.hennessey@musicbiz.org.
The deadline to submit is November 10 at 6 p.m. CT with chosen entries notified by December 8.
Further details can be found at musicbiz.org.
Prime areas of interest for Music Biz 2018 include:
Artists, Labels & Brands
Blockchain & Metadata
Copyright Reform
Financial Literacy & Planning
Global Expansion
Live Music Events
Marketing & Public Relations
Merchandising Management
Physical Retail
Professional Development
Public Relations
Royalty Collection
Social Media
Presentations, case studies, and conversation/interview formats are encouraged, while sales-pitch-oriented presentations will not be considered. There are no fees required to submit a proposal, and Music Biz membership is not required to submit.

Category: Featured, Organizations
About the Author
Eric T. Parker oversees operations and contributes editorial for MusicRow's print magazine, MusicRow.com, the RowFax tip sheet and the MusicRow CountryBreakout chart. He also facilitates annual events for the enterprise, including MusicRow Awards, CountryBreakout Awards and the Rising Women on the Row. eparker@musicrow.com | @EricTParkerView Author Profile