Lyric Street Records/Carolwood Records hosted a CRS guitar pull last night (3/4) at the ICON in the Gulch featuring performances by Billy Ray Cyrus, Trent Tomlinson, Sarah Buxton, Bucky Covington and Love And Theft. (L-R) front: Greg McCarn, Lyric Street/Carolwood Records and Dale Turner, Lyric Street Records Promo. Back: Covington; Chris Palmer, Carolwood Records Promo; Renee Leymon, Lyric Street Records Promo; Randy Goodman, Lyric Street/Carolwood Records; Buxton; Tomlinson; Johnny Park (The Parks); Kevin Herring, Lyric Street/Carolwood Records Promo; Clint Park (The Parks); Cyrus; Brian Bandas (Love And Theft); Stephen Barker Liles (Love And Theft); John Ettinger, Carolwood Promo; and Eric Gunderson (Love And Theft).
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