Lindsay Ell. Photo: Grand Ole Opry/Chris Hollo
BBR Music Group artist Lindsay Ell represented the Grand Ole Opry three times this week, with a performance in New York City, aboard a Southwest Airlines flight, and on the famous stage.

Lindsay Ell performs at Circle In The City in New York City’s Bryant Park. Photo: Grand Ole Opry
On Tuesday (Aug. 2), Ell played for fans at the Southwest Porch in New York City’s Bryant Park as part of the Opry’s summer music series Circle in the City. On Wednesday, on the flight back to Nashville, Ell performed a Live at 35 concert for passengers and surprised everyone on board with tickets to her appearance at the Opry that night in Nashville.

Lindsay Ell (left) performs a Live at 35 concert aboard Southwest Flight 1035 on her way back to Nashville for her Wednesday Night Opry performance. Photo: Grand Ole Opry
Ell is one of the performers on the compilation CD, Opry 9.0, Vol II, Discoveries From The Circle.
Thompson Square is set to complete the Circle in the City series on Tuesday (Aug. 9). The duo then travels to Nashville the next day to perform on two Opry shows.