“Stop me if you’ve seen this,” joked Apple CEO Steve Jobs, referencing the highly publicized version of the new phone that was found in the wild and leaked on blogs all over the Internet several weeks ago. “It’s the most beautiful thing we’ve ever created.” The new iPhone is glass on both sides with a metal band that binds it together and acts as an antenna. In addition to the phone and its numerous new features, the iPhone operating system’s newest version—4—will now be named iOS4 and drop the word iPhone from its title. Jobs noted that the iOS also powers the iPad which made the name change necessary.
While the Apple faithful will no doubt study the exact tech specs, suffice to say the new phone is faster, smaller, thinner, has an improved 5 megapixel camera with flash, improved battery life, sports a front facing camera which makes video chat possible and a higher resolution screen. It also has a gyroscope which will ad untold new possibilities for gaming programmers. The new phone will be available on June 24.
For complete iPhone 4 tech specs click here...
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