Alison Krauss and Union Station featuring Jerry Douglas will headline a concert at the Ryman to benefit Compassion International’s Haiti disaster relief fund.
Big Kenny is hosting this Nashville edition of “Help Haiti Live” on Feb. 27, while another fundraiser will take place simultaneously in Los Angeles. Kenny will perform at the Ryman show along with Jars of Clay, Mat Kearney, Brandon Heath, Dave Barnes, and Matt Wertz.
On the Los Angeles schedule are Amy Grant, Rebecca St. James, NEEDTOBREATHE, Francis Chan and a yet-to-be announced guest. The concerts are sponsored by Gaylord Entertainment Company and will be streamed live at HelpHaitiLive.com.
Tickets will range in price from $25-$65, and can be purchased via Ticketmaster, as well as through the Ryman box office (800–745-3000) and The Ryman’s web site.
Another local concert raised money to help Haiti last month. The Haiti Relief Concert at Brentwood United Methodist Church, starring co-hosts Point of Grace and Mark Schultz, raised over $50,000 to benefit the relief efforts of United Methodist Committee on Relief. That amount does not include on-line giving made available during the live webcasts.
Pictured: (L-R) Front Row: David Lee, Sanctuary Artist Mgmt; Stuart Dill, Sanctuary Artist Mgmt; Rev. Cliff Wright, BUMC; Amy Perry, Selah; Shelley Breen, POG; Leigh Cappillino, POG; Denise Jones, POG; Ginny Owens, Jill Tomalty, Word. Back Row: Greg Lucid, Lucid Artist Mgmt; Rev. Rob Huckaby, BUMC; J. Rollins, UMCOR;, Todd Smith, Selah; Mark Schultz, Larry Stewart, Rod Riley, Word; Melissa Hinnen, UMCOR.