Kobalt Music Upgrades Digital Services

Nashville songwriters and content owners will soon be able to take advantage of Kobalt Music Group’s latest advancement in transparent copyright administration.

This week Kobalt is officially rolling out its next version of its online tools – Next Generation Portal Digital 3.0 – which offer clients unprecedented access to detailed information on collections in digital music sales and performance royalties and other digital revenue streams. Additionally, the system offers expanded access to data on products tracked and audio visual performance royalties collected from licensed content in global film and TV productions.

In making the announcement Willard Ahdritz, CEO and Founder of Kobalt, said: “Kobalt has developed the most unique digital collection platform available which will give clients complete transparency and access to a breakdown of revenue detail from nearly all digital sales outlets available in each territory, as well as extended synch licensing and performance revenue detail listed by licensee and by territory.”

Kobalt’s collected data will include full transparency in tracking per licensee for digital performance rights and downloads, ringtones, and streaming. In addition to digital collections data, clients will also be able to view specifics not only on the status and amount of every synch license, but also the status of receipt of film and TV performance revenues listed by licensee and by territory.

Kobalt’s online system, which was first launched in 2002, is being used by more than 900 clients in a wide spectrum of content owners including music publishers, rights licensors, songwriter/producers and management companies.

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