Karen Tallier.
Veteran entertainment publicist, Karen Tallier, will be exiting her post as in-house publicist for Average Joes Entertainment effective October 5th.
“I have truly enjoyed my tenure at Average Joes,” said Tallier. “Working with Tom Baldrica and the Average Joes team made everyday a new adventure. I am leaving knowing that I was able to help build the brand and make a difference.” Average Joes will be looking to fill the vacant position left by Tallier.
Tallier also noted an announcement involving her own Loudmouth PR firm will be forthcoming. Reach her at karen@myloudmouth.com.
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About the Author
Eric T. Parker oversees operations and contributes editorial for MusicRow's print magazine, MusicRow.com, the RowFax tip sheet and the MusicRow CountryBreakout chart. He also facilitates annual events for the enterprise, including MusicRow Awards, CountryBreakout Awards and the Rising Women on the Row. eparker@musicrow.com | @EricTParkerView Author Profile