The United States Postal Service will release a Johnny Cash Forever stamp as part of the 2013 Music Icons series.
The portrait was made by Frank Bez during the 1963 photo shoot for the project Ring of Fire: The Best of Johnny Cash. Greg Breeding served as art director and designer for the stamp.
“We get about 40,000 suggestions for stamp ideas each year but only about 20 topics make the cut,” said USPS representative Mark Saunders to Matt Murray of TODAY. “These suggestions are reviewed by the Postmaster General’s Citizens’ Stamp Advisory, whose role is to narrow down that 40,000 to roughly 20 and then provide their recommendations to the Postmaster General for final approval.”
A release date for the Johnny Cash stamp has not yet been announced. The name and likeness remain under license from the John R. Cash Revocable Trust.
The Music Icon series is issued as part of the 2013 program, which includes the Hatch Show Print Emancipation Proclamation design.Tejano music’s Lydia Mendoza inaugurated the Music Icons Series, which is expected to include three influential music makers.

About the Author
Eric T. Parker oversees operations and contributes editorial for MusicRow's print magazine, MusicRow.com, the RowFax tip sheet and the MusicRow CountryBreakout chart. He also facilitates annual events for the enterprise, including MusicRow Awards, CountryBreakout Awards and the Rising Women on the Row. eparker@musicrow.com | @EricTParkerView Author Profile