Who can beat Celebrity Taste-makers when it comes to discerning between the jealous and the zealous? Their snarky wit is discerning and head turning. So when LA Times blog Ministry of Gossip asked the musical question, is Julianne Hough’s new video “Is That So Wrong” deserving of being “kinda banned” by CMT, as the young DWTS starlet told a crowd last week in Maryland and was later reported in the Washington Post, we were intrigued.
The Ministry sums it up thusly…
Of course we had to look, and fortunately the video falls well within the Ministry’s never-super-high standards, so you can check it out too, above. But, for example:
Nobody gets beaten, and nothing gets burned down.
The official video in no way features Miley Cyrus grinding, smoking or dancing like a loon.
It’s not shot in a women’s prison, with performers in scanty underthings — and there’s no mass murder. So — are you scandalized by a beautiful woman dancing in short shorts and a bra that covers up just about everything? Even if she is Ryan Seacrest’s 22-year-old girlfriend?
According to AOL.com, CMT claims they aren’t airing the clip due to “contract negotiation problems.” The issue involves MTV/CMT and VEVO which distributes videos from Universal Music, Hough’s label group.

About the Author
David M. Ross has been covering Nashville's music industry for over 25 years. dross@musicrow.comView Author Profile