Global Repertoire Database On Track For 2015

grdMajor music rights stakeholders from around the world are working to build the first, single, comprehensive and authoritative representation of the global ownership and control of musical works.

On track to debut in 2015, the Global Repertoire Database (GRD) will offer improved music licensing processes for creators, publishers, collecting societies, and others, which is expected to save money currently lost to duplication in data processing.

Overseeing the project is the GRD Working Group, made up of representatives from 14 organizations including APRA, GEMA, PRS for Music, SACEM, STIM, CISAC, Sony/ATV/EMI Music Publishing, Universal Music Publishing, Warner Chappell Music, ICMP, ECSA, Google, iTunes and Omnifone.

Supporting the project with funding, knowledge and access to their databases are ASCAP, BMI, APRA (Australia), BUMA (Netherlands), GEMA (Germany), PRS for Music (UK), STIM (Sweden), SACEM (France), SOCAN (Canada), SABAM (Belgium), SGAE (Spain), SIAE (Italy) and UBC (Brazil).

The project recently commenced its Requirements and Design Phase, running from October 2012 to late May 2013. This phase includes:
• Business Requirements, Rules and Readiness: Development of the GRD’s functional and non functional requirements and rules;
• Data Standards and Schemas: Definition of GRD standards for works, agreements and repertoire mandates, and definition of the GRD logical data model;
• Technology Blueprint: Definition of the logical technology architecture for the GRD solution;
• Data Assessments and Strategy: Development of data dashboards and the delivery of data assessments of selected existing copyright systems;
• GRD Business Design and Setup: Design of critical business processes, the development of GRD performance measures and business plan, enrichment of the agreed Governance framework and support to the set up of the GRD legal entity.

More information at

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About the Author

Sarah Skates has worked in the music business for more than a decade and is a longtime contributor to MusicRow.

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