Randy Houser
It’s a testosterone fest with an all-male lineup today.
Fortunately, the boys have brought their “A” game — there are some simply dandy listening experiences for our enjoyment.
I’m giving especially high marks to Cody Johnson, Florida Georgia Line, LOCASH and our Disc of the Day winner, Randy Houser.
It’s always a good sign when there are lots of newcomers in the mix who are making music as good or better than established stars. Two of them tied for the DisCovery Award this week, Seth Ennis and the band Levon.
Writers: J. Rose/K. Kadish/N. Chapman; Producer: Kevin Kadish/Nathan Chapman; Publisher: none listed; Starts With Music
– Spoken verses, shouted/sung choruses, pop/rock track. Kinda irritating, but kinda cool at the same time. Despite its musical shortcomings and its non-country qualities, the lyric about crazy best buddies is appealing.
RANDY HOUSER/No Stone Unturned
Writers: Randy Houser/Dallas Davidson; Producer: none listed; Publisher: none listed; Stoney Creek
– Righteous and true. He wanders America in search of himself with “no stone unturned, no turn un-stoned.” As always, he sings with the intensity of an inferno. The super-tasty, crunchy production is ringing and magnificent. A fabulous track.
JON LANGSTON/When It Comes To Loving You
Writers: Jon Langston/Dan Isbell; Producer: Jody Stevens; Publishers: none listed; EMI (download)
– His vocal is way too compressed. The generic-romance song doesn’t do much for me.
Writers: Nick Donley, Michael Hardy, Jake Mitchell; Producer: none listed; Publisher:MV2 Music / Nick Donley Publishing (BMI). All rights o/b/o MV2 Music and Nick Donley Publishing administered by Words & Music, a division of Big Deal Music Group./ Harding Road Music / Watsky Music LLC (BMI). All rights administered by Songs Of Kobalt Music Publishing./ New Writers Of Sea Gayle Music / West Pass Music (BMI). Both administered by ClearBox Rights.; Big Machine
– Gentle, mellow, romantic and wonderfully groovy. As soothing as a summer breeze.
Writers: none listed; Producer: none listed; Publishers: none listed; Warner Bros./CoJo
– Cody won a DisCovery Award two years ago. This new effort confirms my faith in him. His has a simply gorgeous country voice, full of expressive warmth and deep emotion. His phrasing is exquisite. His range is terrific. The song is first rate. The production is loaded with dynamics. If this isn’t a star-to-be, I’ve never heard one.
SETH ENNIS/Call Your Mama
Writers: Seth Ennis/Michael Hardy; Producer: Seth Ennis/Jordan Reynolds; Publishers: none listed; Arista (download)
– Lilting, sentimental and very, very sweet. The rippling production, light tenor vocal and delicate lyric are all just perfect. Play this.
Writers: none listed; Producers: David Nail/Andrew Petroff/Jason Hall; Publishers: none listed; One Five Sound
-It has an echoey, rocking chorus, but his searing vocal cuts through it all. This is more pop than we’re used to hearing from this guy, but it’s still as listenable as all get out.
Writers: none listed; Producer: none listed; Publisher: none listed; 3 Legged
– Terrific vocal harmonies sung around a campfire with acoustic guitars strumming. Very CSN&Y.
LEVON/Ms. Marianne
Writers: none listed; Producer: none listed: Publisher: none listed; Epic
– This handsome trio has a winner with this super-fun song. He flunks out of college, takes a job as a bartender and falls for a lady customer. Alas, his crush is unrequited, but the merry melody bubbles along anyhow. Ridiculously catchy.
LOCASH/Feels Like A Party
Writers: Preston Brust/Chris Lucas/Corey Crowder/Tyler Hubbard; Producer: none listed; Publisher: none listed; BBR/Wheelhouse
– Pickup trucks, drinking, singing, country girls. Same old, same old. But you can’t deny the hooky, sing-along, irresistible vibe. It even comes with the instruction, “Hands up, side-to-side.” A hit.

About the Author
Robert K. Oermann is a longtime contributor to MusicRow. He is a respected music critic, author and historian.View Author Profile