CRS 2012 will kick off Feb. 22-24 with keynote speaker and media legend, Bob Pittman, MTV Founder and currently Chairman of Media and Entertainment Platforms for Clear Channel. A 35-year industry veteran, Pittman’s keynote is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 9:30 a.m. in downtown Nashville.
“Bob Pittman’s resume speaks for itself,” says CRS President Mike Culotta. “His experience in radio, television and marketing will undoubtedly provide our CRS attendees with unique insight into the issues the Country radio industry is facing today. We are once again anticipating another informative keynote address at Country Radio Seminar, and we encourage everyone to do themselves a favor and attend.”
CRS 2012’s limited-time, $399 Early Bird registration is now available. To register, visit www.CountryRadioSeminar.com.

Category: Featured, Organizations, Radio
About the Author
David M. Ross has been covering Nashville's music industry for over 25 years. dross@musicrow.comView Author Profile