The topics and panelists for three Programmers Boot Camp discussions at Country Radio Seminar (CRS) have been finalized.
“Programmers Boot Camp Series Part l: Imaging Secrets Revealed” will feature four of the top imaging copywriters in the business. Rich Witt (Vanilla Gorilla), Cowboy Kyle (WUSY Chattanooga), Jason Garte (The Mix Group) and Jeff Berlin (Greater Media Boston) will discuss how to effectively image a radio station on a budget. Bob Richards (Emmis Communications) will lead the Q&A discussion. Additionally, the panelists will examine how to write better copy, the best ways to get local listener testimonials to make your imaging shine, and how to effectively communicate with your voice talent to get the best read. The panel is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 2 p.m.
“Programmers Boot Camp Series Part ll: Get Prepped” will feature Big D and Bubba (Silverfish Media), Jeff Andrews (Sheet Happens) and Steve Harmon (Bit Board and iHeartMedia’s Paul and Young Ron), and will be led by RJ Curtis (All Access). The session will provide insight on how to give staff the tools they need to gather relevant content to produce a great on-air product and how to engage an audience on a budget. Panelists will also provide lists of useful websites where “free” content can be gathered and companies who specialize in prep services. The panel is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 3 p.m.
“Programmers Boot Camp Series Part lll: Mastering the Music” will offer industry professionals with years of experience in competitive market battles: Lance Houston (PD of the Bull in Boston), Bill Jones (Bill Jones Media Consulting), and B-Dub (KUPL/Alpha). The session will be led by Beverlee Brannigan (The E.W. Scripps Company) and will explain how to effectively schedule music coding and set up rules to free up time in a busy day. The panel is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 4 p.m.
Boot camp panels will take in Cumberland Rooms #1 and #2, located on Level 3 in Omni Nashville.
Category: Featured, Organizations, Radio