Jim Dandy
Cold River Records has hired independent promoter Jim Dandy to share national promotion duties with Jeff Davis. Dandy, who formerly served as Regional Promotion Director for Quarterback Records and as PD of KOUL, will handle the Midwest, West and Southwest, while Davis will focus on Central, East and Southeast.
“We have worked with Jim for the past two years and his passion for our artist, Katie Armiger, is infectious,” remarked Cold River Head Pete O’Heeron. “Jim’s energy and creativity will be such a great addition to our staff, and he will hit the ground running.”
As part of the organizational changes, Kates Robinson will be shifting to a radio support role, taking on more day-to-day artist management responsibilities. Cold River is also adding radio promotion veteran Staci Schane in a new radio promotion position. Nancy Tunick continues in her role as consultant/advisor to the radio promotion team.
Dandy can be reached at jim@coldriverrecords.com or 615-483-4250. Schane can be reached at staci@coldriverrecords.com or 817-219-3389.
Updated: Jim Dandy is also working with Aria Records to promote artist Todd O’Neill’s new single, “Somethin’ With Some Attitude.” The announcement was made today (7/19) by Aria Records’ Barbara Farkas. Dandy can also be reached at jimdandy@jimdandypromotions.com.

About the Author
Sarah Skates has worked in the music business for more than a decade and is a longtime contributor to MusicRow.View Author Profile