Carrie Underwood’s music video for “The Champion” featuring Ludacris premiered on NBC’s Today Show this morning (Friday, March 2) before launching globally across digital platforms. Directed by Jimmy Lynch, the montage video features a behind-the-scenes look at Underwood and Ludacris recording the song along with historic moments and footage highlighting professional athletes and everyday champions, including kids fighting cancer, as well as supporters of the #MeToo movement.
Fans have already started joining in by sharing their own champion-inspired photos and videos across social media using #TheChampion. The song was originally written to open NBC’s Super Bowl LII with its own video seen by over 131 million viewers worldwide, and was incorporated into NBC’s current coverage of the 2018 Olympic Winter Games.
“The Champion” has reached No. 1 on the iTunes Top Songs chart in 10 countries including the U.S., where it held the top spot throughout its release week. It also debuted Top 5 on the all-genre Top 200 Digital Songs chart.
Underwood is currently in the studio working on her next album which will be released on Capitol Records Nashville.
About the Author
Hollabaugh, a staff writer at MusicRow magazine, has over 20 years of music business experience and has written for publications including American Profile, CMA Close Up, Nashville Arts And Entertainment, The Boot and Country Weekly. She has a Broadcast Journalism and Speech Communication degree from Texas Christian University, (go Horned Frogs), and welcomes your feedback or story ideas at Author Profile