Charlie Daniels
Chapter 546
Newly inducted Country Music Hall of Fame member Charlie Daniels celebrated his landmark 80th birthday at – where else? — The Country Music Hall of Fame.
On Saturday evening (Oct. 28), the star’s friends, family and coworkers gathered there to wish him many happy returns of the day.
David Corlew presided. “We’ve inducted our boss, our friend, a husband, a dad,” he said.
“Wow: 80 years old!” said Charlie. “I do not know a more blessed person in this world than I am.”
More than 75 singers, politicians, sports figures, educators, military personnel and media personalities sent in congratulation videos. These were screened as the party guests entered the Rotunda.
Although the invitation read, “No presents, please,” APA’s Steve Lassiter presented the birthday boy with a painting by Deadwood, South Dakota artist Scott Jacobs. It was titled, “Ain’t It Good to Be Alive and in Tennessee?” This is the star’s longtime Volunteer Jam greeting.
The sale of prints and posters of the painting will benefit Charlie’s veterans’ charity The Journey Home Project.
Charlie Daniels Jr. introduced his video montage of movies, TV shows, cartoons and commercials that have referenced his father’s distinctive image and/or iconic song.
The star’s longtime backup singer Carolyn Corlew led us all in singing “Happy Birthday.” Raising their voices were Ray Shelide, Shari Warnke, Linda Edell Howard, Paula Szeigis, Ann Conklin, Del Bryant, Kirt Webster, Chuck & Sandy Neese, Bebe Evans, Judith Mazza, Suzanne Wyatt, Hazel Daniels, Zach Farnum and more fabulons.
A pasta station served three varieties of mac & cheese. Beef and/or chicken tacos were offered at another. There was also a turkey carving station. Not to mention a trio of huge, four-foot birthday cakes in the shapes of two guitars and a fiddle.