Mercury’s Randy Montana recently performed at NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson’s Jimmie Jam in Charlotte, NC. Following his performance, Montana was joined by Johnson and racing vet Kyle Petty for a “Storytellers”-type session onstage. The private fundraising event benefitted the Jimmie Johnson Foundation, which aids American children, families and communities in need.
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Congrats to Whisperin’ Bill Anderson and family, who are celebrating the arrival of his eighth grandchild, Amy Sophia Anderson. “Sophie” is the daughter of Anderson’s son Jamey and daughter-in-law Beth, who adopted her from China. She joins her siblings Gabe, Blake and Hallie. “I was able to see Sophie for the first time a couple weeks ago on my home computer screen, via Skype, all the way from China,” says Anderson. “It was such an awesome moment!”
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17 Music Entertainment artist Matt Gary has been invited to perform the national anthem at the NASCAR STP 400 Sunday, June 5. The performance will be televised live at 1 pm CT from the Kansas Speedway in Kansas City. The occasion will be Gary’s first live performance of the national anthem. Gary is currently out visiting radio stations in support of his single “I’m Just Sayin’.”
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The Roys recently joined Ray Stevens, Danny Gokey, Michael English, Gary Chapman, Karen Peck & New River and others to raise money for the Somebody Cares For The Southeast cause. The event generated financial aid for flood and tornado victims of recent storms, with 100 percent of the proceeds going to those in need. The telethon originally aired May 22 on FamilyNet but will repeat on American Life Network and FamilyNet numerous times throughout the summer.

Category: Artist, Featured, Organizations