Blue collar country singer Aaron Tippin has announced an innovative contest that promotes and expands on the trucking theme of his latest release, In Overdrive. In conjunction with mobile communications equipment merchandiser Barjan, CB Radio manufacturer Cobra, and Petro Truck Stops, Tippin has created a contest that recalls the days when CB radio was king. On Friday, April 17 at 7:30 PM/CT at the Petro truck stop in Kingston Springs, Tenn., Tippin will launch the Cobra Coast to Coast Contest with Aaron Tippin. He’ll send out a secret code to truckers to see how long it takes to send the message from coast to coast via CB radio. The first trucker to arrive and announce the secret pass code will receive the prize package which will include a Cobra CB Radio, a Cobra bluetooth wireless headset, and a special Aaron Tippin gift bag that includes CD, concert backstage passes, tee shirts, ball caps and more.
Category: Artist, Featured, Sales/Marketing