AristoMedia Celebrates 31 Years with Promotion Fest

(L-R) Jon Walker, Matt Watkins and Christy Watkins.

The AristoMedia Group, now celebrating its 31st year in operation has announced seven departmental promotions. “I am thrilled that this company is able to stand here and reflect on more than three decades serving the entertainment community in Nashville and beyond,” says AristoMedia President and CEO, Jeff Walker. “I’m extremely proud of this staff and the reputation and relationships AristoMedia has built in this industry.”

The company began as a PR firm but today also includes departments for video promotion and marketing, new media, secondary radio promotion and dance venue marketing. In addition they operate an online digital distribution service, GMV Nashville. For more info visit

(Click on their names to email congratulations)

  1. Christy Watkins upped to Sr. Director/Publicity
  2. Ryan Moore becomes Publicist/Media Relations Manager
  3. Jon Walker upped to Sr. Director/Digital Initiatives and New Media
  4. Jaime Marconette becomes Video Promotion Manager
  5. Bobbe Morhiser is Manager Dance Club Marketing
  6. Sarah Matlock upped to Radio Promotion Coordinator
  7. Matt Watkins is named AristoMedia Director of Operations

(L-R) Jaime Marconette, Bobbe Morhiser, Ryan Moore and Sarah Matlock


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About the Author

David M. Ross has been covering Nashville's music industry for over 25 years.

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