Twitter Places Tweets Location

Where are you? Where were you a few hours ago? Twitter users will find answers to these important questions when the social network rolls out its new Twitter Places functionality over the next week or so. “It helps to know where a Tweet is coming from,” says the Twitter blog. “Is that person watching the game on TV or is he actually in the stadium?”

Users will be able to tag tweets with specific places and create new Twitter Places. It will also be possible to search for recent tweets from a specific place. Naturally there will be API functionality to let programmers incorporate the new information streams into applications and widgets. Location-based social networks Gowalla and Foursquare will also be integrated into the mix.

Twitter expects to “roll out” Places in 65 countries over the coming week. Watch for an “Add your location” link below the Tweetbox to explore. Twitter devotees can follow @geo for updates about this new functionality which is expected to work with multiple browsers including Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Explorer.

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David M. Ross has been covering Nashville's music industry for over 25 years.

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